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John Howard Hatfield
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West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

John Howard Hatfield is a retired materials management and manufacturing professional with over forty years in the military and manufacturing arenas. He spent time at sixty posts while in the military and has traveled to all fifty states (working in twenty-two of them). Howard earned a Masters from Central Michigan, a MS from the U.S. Army C&GS College, and a BBA from Texas A&M. He has more olive drab shirts than his wife wishes and enough hats to wear a different one every day of the year. He, his wife Patsy and his two dogs reside in Austin, Texas.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
There's A Moose In the Guard Shack: He's Gonna Kill Me!
Meet quirky characters that caused me mayhem (great learning experiences during my career), learn what I took away from the situations and how I used these lessons in the future. read more
by John Howard Hatfield ~ 9781495808258 ©2015
Price: $19.95

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