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Ligia Cuadra
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W. Conshohocken , Pennsylvania

Ligia Cuadra has been an Educational Consultant within the field of Bilingual Education, an educator at heart. She also has been a columnist at a local newspaper in Brownsville, Texas. She has designed and implemented Apasionados por la Lectura, an educational reading program in the Rio Grande Valley. In turn, many Latino families have discovered the passion of reading for pleasure at home and in public school. With this bilingual fairy folk fable, she wants to encourage children to discover the passion for reading culturally relevant books.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Wise Papa Fox
This story represents an immigrant family who comes from South America to the U.S. and decided to take their son for him to get a better education. By reading this story, children could implicitly discover the passion for reading. read more
by Ligia Cuadra ~ 9781495809507 ©2016
Price: $11.95

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