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Madeleine Vessels
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Madeleine  Vessels
Shinnston, West Virginia

My name is Madeleine Vessels, I believe adventure is something more than an experience; it grabs the very heart and soul of our existence taking us on the journey of a lifetime, some of the greatest adventures came straight from a book. Even the poorest of the poor can travel the world, live any life, and feel any emotion through the stories of a book or a spoken tale. I encourage you to read, read like you’ve never read and dream like you can do anything because you can.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Little Boy Who Loved the Ocean
We are all just people in a world of people trying to make the world a better place, whether we choose to work together is up to us. read more
by Madeleine Vessels ~ 1-4958-1285-5 ©2017
Price: $19.95

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