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Pat Caplan Andrews
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Cambridge,, Massachusetts

Pat Caplan Andrews has had a long a varied career as a teacher, writer, Realtorä, addictions counselor, and Christian Educator. In the course of her training as a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry, Pat realized the spiritual significance of family traditions. Over 25 years serving as mother of a large family, and now a grandmother “Santa,” Pat has uncovered practical wisdom that could restore us all to sanity. Pat and her husband, Denison Andrews, live in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Selected works by this author:
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The Santa Book
In the guise of a Christmas organizer, the author prods you to rethink your role in the family, your participation in cultural illusions, and how your decisions affect the formation of your children.” read more
by Pat Caplan Andrews ~ 0-7414-1281-0 ©2001
Price: $12.95

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