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HSR Ledbetter
Charlestown,, Indiana

“Buc” Dolphus Ledbetter lives in Charlestown, Indiana with his adoptive parents, Ben and Susie. His sibling, Chip, and brother-by-marriage, Moogie, live in Charleston, South Carolina. Even though he is in denial, HSR Ledbetter (Susie) penned this book for him. He accomplished this by transmitting his thoughts telepathically directly into her cerebrum while she was cutting Z’s during the wee hours of the morning. Had it not been for the fact he mumbles in his sleep, this truth would have never come to light.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The O'Bryan Twins Go To Big Kids' School
Having already caused as much havoc as they could in Pre-school, the O'Bryan twins are on to their next adventure, Big Kids School. Otherwise, known as all day kindergarten. What could possibly go wrong? So, pick a letter not already taken on the alphabet carpet in room 7. Sit crisscross applesauce and watch the fun begin. read more
by HSR Ledbetter ~ 9781495813085 ©2017
Price: $9.95

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