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L. C. Beare
Pottstowne,, Pennsylvania

Although the author chooses to remain anonymous, she wants to share and compare her feelings with others to who may or may not have gone through a similar experience. Acknowledging, that what one sees on the outside and what one does in the presence of others, can differ from our true reactions and what’s going on inside. Admonishing to count the cost when it’s time to make difficult decisions. Although the author has written many words and lyrics, this is her first book. She has no formal education or experience in the literary field, but feels anyone who has something to say can write. She and her husband live in southeastern Pennsylvania.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Anybody Wanna Know
They didn’t understand. They didn’t know of the turmoil and agony, the shouting, and hard-to-keep promises. read more
by L. C. Beare ~ 0-7414-0926-7 ©2002
Price: $9.95

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