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Edmond Odescalchi
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Pleasant Valley, New York

In addition to holding positions in industry and finance, Edmond Odescalchi is also the author of works on scientific and historical topics. The Evolution of Behavior grew out of a series of articles he has written for various publications. His books include The Global Arena, the award-winning Faces of Reality, and The Third Crown. His biographical sketch is included in Who’s Who in America and in Who’s Who in the World.

Selected works by this author:
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The Evolution of Behavior
The work exposes many of our cultural endeavors as fundamental aspects of animal behavior. If you want to know why we kneel when we pray, why women use lipstick, or why people commit atrocities, this book will give you the answers. read more
by Edmond Odescalchi ~ 0-7414-1151-2 ©2002
Price: $14.95

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