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The Adventures of Reverend Rocket

Here is a uniquely written story of a modern Huckleberry Finn, beginning in a poor family and moving up through many adventures to success as a Pastor, Educator, and Therapist.

The Unusual Sherlock Holmes

The Unusual Sherlock Holmes: Its front cover is your doorway into the world of gaslight, mystery and danger, where three singular problems challenge Holmes’s unusual cunning and daring.

Ethical Conflicts in Daily Medical Practice: Essays and Stories

Modern medical practice is complex and demanding, and physicians, as mere mortals, must always be diligent to avoid self interest and harm to their patients. Dr Feinstein’s essays and stories describe dozens of real life situations as cautionary tales for medical students, practicing physicians, and patients alike.

Living With Evil

Part I shows the deadly consequences of a dysfunctional family, and ends in Part II with advice to young people not to get arrested and ruin their lives in prison.

Jesus -- Bible -- God -- Softcover

Jesus – Bible – God: A scientific 21st Century approach about the Bible and reality based upon modern Biblical scholarship and Quantum Mechanics research of the subatomic world of the universe


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams