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In A Dark Place

Megan's worst nightmare stands before her. Soulless eyes peer through a torn, leather mask. The blood of her friends drip from his hands. Megan knows that it is up to her to stop the monster before he can kill once again.

God on Trial

Blasphemy, murder and the Lord don’t mix when religion and reason collide in court. This book is not for the feint of heart or the closed of mind.

That He May Run That Readith It

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Prophetic Insights for our Prophetic Day and Times

666 is a call to pay attention at a most crucial point in history. To learn that message, is the pathway to God!

The Lie Detector

An autistic girl in a mental ward recovers consciousness at age fourteen. Feeling just born, Lora studies. She can tell when people lie by their expression. No one else can.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams