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Eternal Discontent
Menacing and unbelievably oppressive, the system is watching. What you do means nothing to them, because they believe that not a thing can be done to stop them. So, what will you do when the time is right? Will you rise up with your fellow men and shut them down? Or, will you cower in the corner and wait? |
Dancing and Related Skills: Complete Set
CoupleDanceWorld presents this Dancing and Related Skills Encyclopedia as authoritative reference for dancers and those with related skills. |
Sacred Tyrants - Hardcover version
Religion and the creation of organizations called churches have led to socially exclusive groups. |
Love at first sight takes place at the close of the Civil War as Silas Mechum, a Northern soldier, falls in love with Lorena McNeill. |
Nuts and Bolts of the Soul
Extreme depth of relationship with the Father! How necessary principles work! How and why the whole thing is a challenge! These are the NUTS AND BOLTS to taking that outstretched before you, which is your heart! |
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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams