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A Brother's Revenge

Elizabeth’s world shatters when she meets William and the mess he creates in his attempt to seek revenge causes a series of events that changes everyone’s life, including his own.

Big Daddy's Funeral

Bobbi Jo and Samantha encounter humorous incidents as they return to the South for a funeral, complete with a Wicked Stepmother, and a hot trailer in the middle of nowhere.

AIDS: Love's Fight: The Story of Fawn

Forbidden love between Father Francis and Sister Maggie is an emotional roller coaster of international intrigue. They desperately try to find their way in ministry and love while fighting AIDS.

My Experiences with Angels

My Experiences With Angels is an inspirational book, which chronicles multiple, incredible encounters of the miraculous. Experiences that can be explained as none other than experiences with angels.

Jungle, Solitude, and Dreams- Color images included

A Midwestern American woman and her Colombian husband move to a remote farm in his homeland but their peaceful existence changes when civil war forces the couple to flee for their lives.

Containing the same black and white images and maps within the text as the more economical version, this edition includes a special section with 17 art quilt illustrations in full color.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams