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That Was A Good Two Glopsworth

A year in the life of Mishka Zakharin, That Was a Good Two Glopsworth is Zakharin at his best—creatively, philosophically, humorously—amidst the throes of random chaos that is life…

Armchair Racers Guide to Greatness

Do you know…Captain Eddie, Cannonball, Andretti, Foyt, Garlits, The Intimidator, Gurney, The King, Holbert, Roush, Shelby, Unser, Smokey, Cha Cha?

Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love is truly a memorable memoir. Want to laugh and cry? Mostly laugh! You need to read this book. In essence, it is a true to life love story.

Victims Have No Rights: A Victim's (Pro Se) Experience With Insurance Companies and the Unjust Judicial System

He was injured and victimized again. Nobody would help him or the other victims. This is how he tried to get justice with uncooperative insurance companies and the unjust judicial system.

Saving Salina: A Valentine's Story, Mother's Day Poems, and a 4th of July Special

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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams