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Words That Crucify

Joseph Michael Yendrek (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0092-8 ©1999
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 151 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / Eschatology

“I am a prisoner in the palace of the Pope! I do not say this to direct sin upon him, but rather to be accurate. What restrains me is by no means physical, and by all means sociological. The Vatican is the only country that will have me after my crimes against humanity. It is ironic that I have found asylum in God, after running from him for a lifetime. I do NOT repent, but I seek forgiveness. I reach out in an unparalleled act of universal desperation. Soon I will die, and with my last days, I shall tell the story of my innocence.”

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