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Health Quests - Winning the Ultimate Treasure

Leander T. Ellis, M.D. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0136-3 ©1999
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 64 pages
Category/Subject: HEALTH & FITNESS / Healing

Anecdotes. The traditional physician’s case report is nowadays considered to be little more than “anecdotal” by some. Yet anecdotes are full of surprises. They can solve mysteries of the psyche, or they can raise questions that can haunt a physician for years in a quest for answers. This book is about broadening perspectives. It is not a substitute for thoughtful, customized medical attention. Still, although the names have been changed, these short stories about actual persons will be of interest to both the layman and the professional.

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Customer Reviews

  A fantastic medical inspiration , 01/21/2008
Reviewer: Robert A. Noll
After reading Dr. Ellis's anecdotes along with his wisdom on cause and effect I have hope again. I know I'm on the right track and will be off pharmaceutical drugs in the near future. I am greatfull to him and would like him to write another book or two sharing his experiences and treatments. Robert A. Noll

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