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Do-It-Yourself A/C and Refrigeration Cleaning Manual

K. W. Barnhart (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0604-7 ©2001
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 95 pages
Category/Subject: HOUSE & HOME / Do-It-Yourself / General

Why waste money on having you’re a/C or refrigeration cleaned by a service company when you can have this book? Written by an expert in the field, this manual is an invaluable tool for the professional or amateur who wants to save money, while having top running air conditioning equipment.

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Customer Reviews

  A money saver , 01/18/2011
Reviewer: K.W. Barnhart
As a Author of this manual and a service tec. I use the step by step procedures of this manual everyday working for the public to save them money....On there Electric bills and keep there a/c units running at peek much home owners can do to save there self money... Not only in energy use ..also saving money by not having to call a company out and paying service call and labor...thats a BIG SAVING...

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