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One Cop's View on our Kids in Crisis

Philip V. Bulone, M.S. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-0657-8 ©2001
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 158 pages
Category/Subject: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting

Drug abuse, missing children, child molestation, suicide, gangs and cults are the things our kids encounter every day they leave the safety net of our homes. One Cop’s View On, Our Kids In Crisis, is a reality based book written by a former police officer turned substance abuse counselor and educator. He shares with the reader, his experiences with teens and young people while working “the beat,” in New York City and counseling “at risk youth” and “substance abusers” on Long Island, New York and in South Florida. A must read for anyone interested in helping kids.

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