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Faith and Fanaticism: Radical Islam's Crusade Against Israel, the Church and the West

Paul R. Carlson, Ed.D. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2439-8 ©2005
Price: $20.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 426 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / Islam / History

FAITH AND FANATICISM examines radical Islam’s jihad against Israel, the Church, and the West. FAITH AND FANATICISM examines radical Islam’s jihad against Israel, the Church, and the West.

FAITH AND FANATICISM examines radical Islam’s jihad against Israel, the Church, and the West. The first section traces the history of Islamic fundamentalism and how it has played out from the Seventh Century through the War on Terrorism. The second part of the book deals specifically with the ongoing Arab-Israeli crisis and the role of the media in covering the conflict.

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