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Billy's Song…

Lee K. Merialdo (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-2502-5 ©2005
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 105 pages
Category/Subject: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure

Why do things always have to happen to me, was Billy’s complaint until a girl, a dog, and an old man showed him a better way.

A dark secret lies hidden in fifteen-year-old Billy Bright’s past. He knows this is the reason, instead of vacationing with his family during spring break, he is sent away to work at his aunt and uncle’s lakeside campground. There, two local girls befriend him; and through his involvement in a theft, a kidnapping, and a near-tragedy he discovers the power of friendship and the wonders of love and forgiveness.

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