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Lee K. Merialdo
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Las Vegas, Nevada

The setting for Lee K. Merialdo’s Lake Pearl Series is a small mountain community in Southern California. Her novels reflect the flavor of the people and of the times when she lived in a similar local with her family. She is an artist and writes, paints, and lives in Las Vegas.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Billy's Song…
Why do things always have to happen to me, was Billy’s complaint until a girl, a dog, and an old man showed him a better way. read more
by Lee K. Merialdo ~ 0-7414-2502-5 ©2005
Price: $10.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Art Undercover
What mystery do three teen-agers find hidden in the old satchel forgotten for over seven decades in the secret, attic room of the old stagecoach station? read more
by Lee K. Merialdo ~ 0-7414-2875-X ©2005
Price: $10.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

3 .
A school bus is hi-jacked, and the children are kidnapped and abandoned in the desert. Sometimes together, often at odds, they use their wits and their skills as they struggle to survive. read more
by Lee K. Merialdo ~ 0-7414-3407-5 ©2006
Price: $10.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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