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William Allison (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3375-3 ©2006
Price: $19.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 403 pages
Category/Subject: FICTION / Historical

Early American lawyer George Chase fights barriers of race and class, setting off a storm from the shores of Hawaii to the steps of the Supreme Court.

Young and ambitious, George Chase, takes his wife, Harriet, to pioneer a frontier town in Maine where he champions the oppressed in his rise to power. Chase wins a consulship to Hawaii, but on his way to the Pacific he confronts America’s disgrace – slavery. Persuaded to liberate a slave girl, Chase secrets her to freedom on the island of Maui where he oversees the whaling fleet, only to discover ships ruled like plantations. Arresting a ship captain for manslaughter, he inflames Washington from the White House to the Supreme Court.

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Customer Reviews

  Exciting , 08/11/2006
Reviewer: Susan Chamberlain
This book keeps the reader on the edge and yet binds one quickly to the character of Chase. Quiet and flawed, Chase is nevertheless a hero by raising his voice against popular opinion at a time of American history when such courage was not only rare but also dangerous. Allison writes with a crisp style, clearly well-researched. I learned a great deal about the era and thoroughly enjoyed myself while doing so.

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  arresting historical drama , 08/19/2006
Reviewer: harris cohen
Seldom do I pick up a book that transports me to another time and place as completely as Allison's Chase. From Maine to Hawaii and back again Chase risks all that is dear to him negotiating with powerful figures on both a large and small scale in a dangerous place and time in tense pre-Civil War America. A carefully researched book cleanly written that respects the intellegence of the reader.

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  A Good Read , 09/29/2006
Reviewer: Suzanne Cross
Informative, entertaining, well researched, lots of attention to detail. I enjoyed "Chase" and learned so much about a part of our history I was unaware of. How brave of Chase to take on slavery at a time when it was tearing our country apart. A little editing is needed but all in all a good read.

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