She Births: A Modern Woman's Guidebook for an Ancient Rite of Passage
Book Size:
8" x 8"
, 255 pages
HEALTH & FITNESS / Pregnancy & Childbirth
She Births is both a guidebook, and thought-provoking journal, calling women to explore natural childbirth as a spiritual rite of passage, and the profound impact it has on society and female identity.
There is more to Birth than the physical process of having a baby. Birth is a Spiritual Rite of Passage for women, offering an opportunity for profound transformation. She Births challenges each woman to consider how their Birth Choices profoundly affect not only their lives individually, but the world as a whole. No matter on what side of the Birth journey you stand, She Births offers powerful truths you can apply to the way you see yourself in the world.
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Customer Reviews
A fresh "take" on the subject
Shannon Pallazoria
I came to offer a review, and was shocked by the reviews posted here. I wonder if we did in fact read the same book? While this book is far from mainstream, I would certainly not say it is extreme. This book offers some thought provoking concepts, but it encourages women to define "natural" for themselves, and even gives a list of questions to ask for those who do choose to have a midwife or doctor. In fact, the book is very pro-midwife, and even more pro-woman. I found the journaling to be really insightful, and as a woman who is expecting (January Yea!) This book helped me feel strong and ready to deliver this baby, however I choose to do so, which is more than I can say for the so-called birth classes my BF and I have been attending! I don't know much about the medical side of hospital birth, but I do know that this book made a difference in the way I view the whole process. I'm glad I read it and I'll be recommending it to all my expecting friends!
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the statistics are...
Erika Carlson
I haven't read it yet, but the person who wondered where the statistics are for home births needs to use Google...the statistics are very clear that home births are *as safe* or *safer* than hospital births. there are far fewer c-sections for home birth mamas, which means easier healing, and fewer c-section complications (this is a serious surgery!). And the rates of complications for babies born at home are far lower, probably because there are less drugs used for the mama, which do transfer to the baby. I had a wonderful, peaceful, drug-free home birth myself, and can tell you that my midwife was happy to take me to the hospital if necessary, and had all the knowledge and supplies (Pitocin, supplemental oxygen) necessary for any emergency.
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I too have a placenta in my freezer
I too have a placenta in my freezer. Though it was not from my dream birth. It is from a heart wrenching c-section 4 years ago. In viewing some of the negative reviews, I am concerned that we are at a time where simple discussions of the value of natural and/or drug free birth are a cause for alarm and negativity.
Having walked an extremely difficult (yet empowered) medical birth path, I do recognise the value of birth as a transition. While this book does not tell my story, I believe this book represents women who choose to experience their birth-rite of passage in a beautiful and time-honoured way.
While I am not surprised at the negativity, I am saddened by it. I believe this book represents an element of choice for women, and I fear that such reactive negativity represents a fear of *that* choice. I find this indicative of the lack of choice in mainstream medicalized birth.
I believe that women should celebrate each other and our births. I would never judge a women for her c-section, nor would I for her home water birth. I thank Marci Macari for writing a celebration of natural birth. Perhaps there are a few women out there who had not been offered a choice, who always look back at their births and ask, "Did it need to be that way?" and for them, this book offers a new point of view.
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