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Marcie Macari
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Brampton, ON

Marcie Macari is a writer, speaker and workshop facilitator, who has traveled extensively throughout North America and Southern Africa leading communication workshops, teaching drama techniques and her passion: Birth as a Spiritual Rite of Passage for women.

Marcie is a natural parenting and breastfeeding advocate, and all around creative spirit, but considers her biggest accomplishments to be her daughter and two sons, all born naturally with midwives. Her youngest was birthed gently into the water, in the home she shares with her husband, children, and German Shepherd named Neo.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
She Births: A Modern Woman's Guidebook for an Ancient Rite of Passage
She Births is both a guidebook, and thought-provoking journal, calling women to explore natural childbirth as a spiritual rite of passage, and the profound impact it has on society and female identity. read more
by Marcie Macari ~ 0-7414-3390-7 ©2006
Price: $23.95

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