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Stolen Innocence: The True-life Terror I Experienced as a Child

Elaine Carole (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3917-4 ©2007
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 120 pages
Category/Subject: TRUE CRIME / General

A child molester on the prowl but he was clever, even for the police. Somehow they have to get him off the street but how…who would help save innocent children?

Stolen Innocence is about a child that was adopted by the man her mother married and in the beginning it appeared to be the perfect little family. What others didn’t know this man she called daddy was stealing her innocence night after night. She kept this a secret for twenty plus years until one day a police officer called her because this man was now being investigated for doing horrific things to neighborhood children…what was she to do?

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Customer Reviews

  Compelling , 03/29/2007
Reviewer: Jackie Wollenberg
Elaine's story is most disturbing,to think that the man who had been raising her since she was a child would have been continually sexually abusing her. Untouched by the hurt and scars that are implanted on the victim. Elaine's book makes you question sexual abuse and it's constant festering. It also makes the reader aware of the court system procedures...what it takes to get someone put behind bars. The impact on your life while waiting for trial,and what to expect. It cleanses the soul for the victims of any crimes to see that justice is served and they are truly free! Way To Go Elaine!!!!

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  Way to Go!!! , 04/05/2007
Reviewer: Judith Schaefer
I found this book disturbing to read the first few chapters because of the contents, and because of the fact that it was a true story about a small child. Unfortunately this is our world in which we all exist. Although we hear second hand about the horrible things that happen to many children worldwide this book does bring comfort to you as a reader because this horrible crime gets justice. I hope that many people take the initiative to read this book and share it with others. I am a relative of the author,and knowing all of the individuals involved becomes that much more emotional.This book has a clear message and that is that we as a society need to step up to the plate and stop these horrible crimes against children. I have never heard of any other person getting life in prison for this type of crime, but I feel that other states need to follow suit. I commend the State of Florida for putting this monster where he belongs, but I first commend Elaine Carole for being so brave, honest and willing to share her nightmare with the world just to help others realize that enough is enough. The world is full of Roger Ouellette's and unfortunately many people are or may being living this same nightmare. This book makes you realize that we may not always know the people that we associate with, or even live with but it is everyones obligation to protect the very young and innocent.I highly recommend this book to everyone because truly this book makes you think twice about whom is a part of your childrens life, and this is why we need to make them understand good love from dangerous love. Please read this book and pass it along to those you love...It could one day save a lot of heartache. I am so very proud of my niece for not carrying this secret on her own shoulders any longer and for caring enough to help others understand that this is not your fault if you are or have been in a similar situation. Read the could make a difference for someone that you love.

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  Excellent!! , 04/23/2007
Reviewer: Michelle
I found this book to be overwhelming at times, it is such a sad thing to see our children can't just be innocent children anymore. I applaud the writer for taking a stand and freeing other children from this monster.

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  AMAZING!!! , 05/08/2008
Reviewer: Joanne
I admire your strength and courage!!! The book was amazing and sad, but it also will give so many the courage to come forward and fight back. Big hugs to you!!!

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