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Elaine Carole
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Largo, Florida

My name is Elaine Carole; I was born and raised in Connecticut until the age of 11 when my family moved to Florida. I still live and now work on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I have my Bachelors Degree in Business from Eckerd College. In 2005 I received an award for Sales Excellence. I am a single parent to a wonderful son.

I have done several speaking engagements for the Victims Coalition bringing awareness of the needs to victims of sexual crimes. My goal with this book is to bring further awareness and hope to other victims or to someone you may know a victim that is keeping it a secret.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Stolen Innocence: The True-life Terror I Experienced as a Child
A child molester on the prowl but he was clever, even for the police. Somehow they have to get him off the street but how…who would help save innocent children? read more
by Elaine Carole ~ 0-7414-3917-4 ©2007
Price: $9.95

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