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Parenting by the Steps

Nan Landis Hochberger (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3969-7 ©2007
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 128 pages
Category/Subject: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting

Parenting by the Steps is a how-to-be-one guidebook for parents. It’s an alliance of 12-step spirituality and developmental psychology, with a pinch of been-there, done-that wisdom thrown in.

Guiding your child along the path to independent, loving, self-reliant and responsible adulthood can be arduous! Of course you want your child to be healthy, responsive, well-balanced, and spiritually connected, but believing it’s your sole responsibility to ensure this is too much pressure.

Parenting by the Steps asks: how can any parent have this much power over their child’s success? This isn’t a how-to-do-it book; it’s a how-to-be-one resource: a guide to help you surrender the illusion of control and discover who you can become as a parent. This book is a 12-step parenting journey for anyone who wants it; all you have to do is suit up and show up.

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Customer Reviews

  worth the read , 08/21/2007
Reviewer: Valinda Harlan
I am a parent of four, a certified parenting instructor and I have worked in Family Ministry and counseling for over 15 years. I try to keep current with parenting information, so I read most of the parenting books that come down the pipeline. I will add this to the top 10 in my list of resource to pass on to parents. The author does an excellent job of providing practical and inspirational insight. I believe this book will be helpful to any parent, not only to those familiar with the steps of recovery. I recommend this book to any parent who is serious about breaking free from the parenting of their past.

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  Excellent Parenting Book , 08/08/2007
Reviewer: Lori D.
This parenting book has it all...well-written and easily understood advice, lessons, interesting examples and lots of useful tools. I recommend "Parenting by the Steps" to all parents whether they are dealing with crises or just every day life with children. Following the parenting steps has certainly helped me with all my parenting dilemmas.

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