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Ethical Conflicts in Daily Medical Practice: Essays and Stories

Richard J. Feinstein, MD (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4614-6 ©2009
Price: $16.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 203 pages
Category/Subject: MEDICAL / Ethics

Modern medical practice is complex and demanding, and physicians, as mere mortals, must always be diligent to avoid self interest and harm to their patients. Dr Feinstein’s essays and stories describe dozens of real life situations as cautionary tales for medical students, practicing physicians, and patients alike.

A salesman visits the medical office of a busy family practitioner, who can barely pay his expenses because managed care pays so little for routine office visits. He tells the doctor that he represents a new medical laboratory that will be willing to give the doctor $100 in cash for every Medicare patient that is sent to his lab for blood testing. He could make at least $1000 in cash every week, and he desperately needs the money for his children’s private school and his wife’s new car. Dr Feinstein’s collection of essays and stories describes the many kinds of daily conflicts in the modern practice of medicine that seduce physicians to perform illegal or unethical acts.

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