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Workplace Woman Stuff

Linda Marshall (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-5676-1 ©2009
Price: $13.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 194 pages
Category/Subject: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Workplace Culture

Are you struggling in your relationships with women on your job? Break the chains of workplace rivalry, and open doors of workplace success!

If you are looking for answers for yourself, or if you know a woman who is struggling in her relationships with other women in the workplace, you have come to the right place! The ups and downs of workplace relationships between women are very often the result of an undercover rivalry that promotes unhealthy interaction. Many times the reasons for this rivalry are found in root causes or entrapments called “Woman Stuff.”

This book offers you the chance to change the role you play in workplace rivalry, deter other women’s wrong motives, and open wide the door of success. Break the chains of frustration, and be free from all workplace Woman Stuff!

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