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What Were They Thinking?

Bertram G. Murray, Jr. (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6393-8 ©2011
Price: $16.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 314 pages
Category/Subject: SCIENCE / General

This book presents Bertram Murray’s philosophy of science, unpublished papers, and rebuttals to critics of these papers. Subjects include clutch size, population dynamics, life history tables, and mating systems.

In this compendium of unpublished essays and papers, Bertram G. Murray presents his philosophy of science and challenges conventional wisdom on many fronts, including population biology, life history tables, clutch size, and mating systems, as well as laws and science. He formulates ecological laws, and derives predictions and tests them with empirical data. His critical observations on the publication process, as illustrated by his rebuttals to his critics, will elicits “amens” from open-minded colleagues. Those willing to test new approaches, see through new eyes, and penetrate the obfuscations of referees, will find much to applaud.

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