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The Flogging of Americans

Darryl Thomas (DT) (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-7589-8 ©2012
Price: $9.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 70 pages
Category/Subject: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / General

The Flogging of Americans is an observation and perspective of how African Americans are perceived by other nationalities and cultures in America. It gives a different outlook of the plight the Africans in America had to suffer through for centuries and still are seen by some as a black mark on American society.

The Flogging of Americans is an observation and perspective of how African Americans are perceived by other nationalities and cultures in America. This book presents the truth of how these American citizens throughout the history of the United States have been disregarded in the great American melting pot. It discusses the reality of mis-portrayal of citizens and the false perception that America is equal and true to all. All men are created equal except in the eyes of men who believe otherwise. It portrays how the red, white and blue is only true for some of its citizens. For others, the reality is still a country full of detestation and intolerance.

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