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ARABI ANA, I am Arabic

Hedi Bouhlel (Author)

ISBN: 1-4958-1256-1 ©
Price: $24.95
Book Size: 6" x 9" , 0 pages

ARABI ANA is a book that reveals both the problems and potential solutions to an Arab world that is in desperate need of an intervention.

The Arab world has falling off the skies. Wars, political unrest, and devastated economy led to millions fleeing their homes, and are being faced with death, and uncertain future. While foreign interventions are trying to bring peace to the region, other fanatics are raging terror trying to prove a point for their cause. It all comes down to an economic miscalculation and bad planning. Ancient wars, Imperialism, and illiteracy are the reason for all of this. It is time for Arabs to wake up and realize that their misfortune can be reversed, and change the course of their action.

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