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Kings of Israel: Book One

Aubrey Gurley (Author)

ISBN: 9781495807299 ©2015
Price: $37.95
Book Size: 8.5" x 11" , 464 pages
Category/Subject: RELIGION / General

The kings of Israel; who are these kings, what was their life like? This first book; The Kings of Israel - Book One, begins with the life of the prophet Samuel, his life and steadfast obedience to Jehovah God and his honest and upright service to the people.

The kings of Israel; who are these kings, what was their life like? This first book; The Kings of Israel - Book One, begins with the life of the prophet Samuel, his life and steadfast obedience to Jehovah God and his honest and upright service to the people. Next we read about the life of King Saul; his rebellion against God and many attempts upon the life of David. Next we read about King David who was a man after God’s own heart; his many failures and steadfast faith in Jehovah, the true King of Israel.

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