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Vivia Giovannini
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Tempe, Arizona

Vivia Giovannini wrote her first novel at the age of nine years. It was only 10 pages long, but it sealed her fate. She has been a story-teller every since. Through all of life’s challenges, Vivia has remained loyal to her first true love; writing. In her novel, “The Glass Ball”, Vivia depicts in Timothy Collins the essence of her belief that we are all a product of the cosmos and everything in the universe has consciousness. Just as the planet would not be the same without Timothy, you will not be the same after reading this inspiring book.

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The Glass Ball
The Glass Ball is a headlong journey into the depths of the human spirit, as one boy advances the spiritual evolution of humankind with the help of an unlikely trinity. read more
by Vivia Giovannini ~ 0-7414-1923-8 ©2004
Price: $17.95

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