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Thomas B. Shea
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Billerica, Massachusetts

Professor Thomas Bernard Shea, 5th degree black belt, began training as a senior in college over 30 years ago. He is a world-renowned scholar on Alzheimer's disease and has authored over 250 scientific works. His articles on martial arts have appeared in Black Belt Magazine, Shotokan Magazine and Karate Illustrated. He has operated his own karate schools, raised many of his own black belts, and instructs the university’s karate club. His combined expertise as a Karate master, Academic Professor, and Neuroscience Researcher provides him with a unique insight into martial arts practice for health, well-being, and career advancement.

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Paper Wraps Rock
Karate Master and Professor Thomas B. Shea, Ph.D. shares his insights and observations that show how the martial arts training can improve your health, school, career advancement and personal relationships read more
by Thomas B. Shea ~ 0-7414-2496-7 ©2005
Price: $14.95

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