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Waldo Proffitt
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Sarasota, Florida

Proffitt was born in Texas, grew up in Oklahoma, graduated cum laude from Harvard, and has spent considerably more than 50 years as a newspaper writer and editor.

He fought in World War II and in the Korean War. He points out that he uses the word “fought” in the loosest sense. He was never in any real danger except that as an electronic countermeasures officer (MOS 7888) he frequently flew on bombers commanded by frustrated would-be fighter pilots.

He was managing editor or editor of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune from 1961 to 1998 and now writes a weekly column.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
A View From Sarasota
Entertaining, informative commentary about your world as seen by a long-time Florida editor, whose insight is either keen or blurry. Depending on whether you agree with him. read more
by Waldo Proffitt ~ 0-7414-4382-1 ©2007
Price: $19.95

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