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Mary DeMartino
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Paoli, Pennsylvania

Carl F. Nehl, my uncle, was born in New York City the third child of parents whose homeland was Germany. The Nehl’s lived in rented cold water flats in New York City until they were able to purchase a home in the Ridgewood Queens. This domicile was referred to as the Nehl Mansion and was the only home that I ever associated with my mother’s family. My uncle received his draft notice in 1940. The cover of the book is an image of Carl at home on leave holding me in the air in front of the Nehl Mansion.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Dear Family
Dear Family is the story of a GI’s World War II experience, a first generation German American, fighting for home and Country against an enemy that includes his fathers brother. read more
by Mary DeMartino ~ 0-7414-4449-6 ©2008
Price: $9.95

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