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Linda M. Moore
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Jacksonville, Florida

The author is a motivational speaker, psychic, Reiki Master/Teacher, and an ordained minister. She has been a student of metaphysics from the age of ten, and has earned a BA in metaphysics, along with several other degrees. She speaks and facilitates workshops throughout the South and has clients in both the United States and Canada. Her special interest lies in facilitating past life regressions as a “window to the past and a key to the future.” She is currently writing The Healing Temple of Atlantis, based on a vision shown to her by her Guides.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Memories of Magdalene
Pledged since childhood, Magdalene and Jeshua united in love and a shared sacred purpose. Despite challenges and adversity, his profoundly wise teaching, and their love story, changed the world forever. read more
by Linda M. Moore ~ 0-7414-5425-4 ©2009
Price: $12.95

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