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Ajit Utagikar
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Colorado Springs, Colorado

Ajit Utagikar is the Founder and President of Photolar Consulting Group, which specializes in helping businesses develop and deploy robust customer facing processes that enhance customer satisfaction. His previous experience includes several management roles at leading Fortune 100 companies. There he managed the Voice of Customer processes including customer satisfaction assessment and improvement. He has published several papers in leading journals and trade magazines. He also speaks at leading conferences.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Customer Facing Processes and Customer Experience
Ajit Utagikar with his breakthrough approach to customer experience design hits the nail squarely on the head. His insights make this book a riveting read and an invaluable guide to practical applications. read more
by Ajit Utagikar ~ 0-7414-5413-0 ©2009
Price: $49.95

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