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Warren Albrecht
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Fargo, North Dakota

Warren Albrecht is a graduate of the United States Military Academy, a decorated Vietnam War veteran, a lawyer and judge, and an amateur historian. He makes his home with his wife and two golden retrievers in Fargo, North Dakota. He is working on his next book, a contemporary novel of love and war, and West Pointers coming of age in the Middle East. Writers Digest magazine awarded an honorable mention for his short story, “The Lieutenant.” His screenplay based on Some Damned Fool has received praise from independent screenplay readers.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Some Damned Fool
Can a frontiersman escape a life of danger and violence, and find peace and love? He might, but only if he truly wants to, and the world lets him. read more
by Warren Albrecht ~ 0-7414-6246-X ©2010
Price: $17.95

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2 .
Neither Children Nor Gods
When a way must by found, Rangers “lead the way”. Finding the way is the problem for Zach, the Ranger, Diana, the hard charging Blackhawk pilot and Zach’s former lover, and Professor Treille, the Vietnam veteran, instructor of military history, lost soul, who stands to lose his job and wife. The West Pointers must come of age after a failed hostage rescue mission during the last days of the war in Afghanistan. The professor ironically becomes Zach’s mentor. Can he save the fallen warrior from the same torment, flashbacks, guilt, and depression that have infected Treille’s whole life. read more
by Warren Albrecht ~ 1-4958-0399-6 ©2015
Price: $17.95

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