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Raymond Kwan
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Las Vegas, Nevada

Raymond Kwan is a retired high school math teacher. He holds and Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and a Master’s in Teaching. He grew up in New York City and went through the public school system there in the 50’s and 60’s. It was a time when American public schools were still effectively educating their youth. He has worked as a computer engineer in Silicon Valley for a number of years and a public school teacher for the remainder of his career. He is married and has two adult daughters.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
America's Biggest Hoax
It’s no secret. America’s public schools are failing to educate our children. Test scores are low. Dropout rates are high. What’s not so well known is why? Why are so many students falling behind? Why are so many ill prepared to function in working society? Why is the rest of the world gaining and surpassing us in educational achievement? “America’s Biggest Hoax” explores the reasons; presents data and facts; and offers some possible solutions. Written from an insider’s point of view, the author blends researched facts with a little humor and personal anecdotes. Be prepared to evaluate the ideas presented in this book. And judge for yourself. Are we doing everything we can to educate our children for this modern high tech world that we live in? read more
by Raymond Kwan ~ 0-7414-8087-5 ©2012
Price: $13.95

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