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H.S. Lahman
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W. Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

H. S. Lahman’s undergraduate education (MIT ’59) was in geology and he spent the ‘60s in most of the Free World’s swamps, jungles, tundras, and deserts. (No one sends geologists to Paris to look at rocks.) In 1970 he decided he preferred air conditioning and went back to MIT to learn about computers and business. He spent 30 years developing various kinds of software. In ’00, he tired of moving bits from one pile to another and retired. He now writes books or plays poker and video games. Additional biographical material from his formative years can be found at

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Hobsons' Dilemma
Jack Hobson tries to thwart a conspiracy at the highest levels of government that is linked to the return of Marta Stern, Jack’s former lover, after sixteen years of imprisonment. read more
by H.S. Lahman ~ 9781495808753 ©2016
Price: $17.95

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