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Bonnie Bachman
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Omaha, Nebraska

As a teenager in the summer of 1963 filling her lonely days with “only small things,” the author had no idea that these “things” would ultimately become part of her Life Purpose—or even that the small seed had already taken root in her soul! But from a tiny seed the mighty Oak grows! And grow this little seed did! It would fuel Ms. Bachman’s compassion and care for the farm cats to evolve into a dream of founding a Cat Sanctuary! Now fifty years later—and with a joyous heart—she is about to embark on this very Mission!

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Skissley Diaries: Child of the Universe
Skissley lives a sheltered 1950s childhood on a Nebraska farm until ills from the “outside“ infiltrate her world, shatter her naïve beliefs and propel her on a quest for understanding. read more
by Bonnie Bachman ~ 0-7414-6285-0 ©2011
Price: $13.95

  Average Rating:

2 .
The Skissley Diaries: What Lies Within
Skissley’s childlike simplicity often gives others, notably her mother, the impression that she is simpleminded. No one suspects that a wellspring of profound thought is actually what lies within the child! read more
by Bonnie Bachman ~ 0-7414-6751-8 ©2011
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating:

3 .
The Skissley Diaries: Peace in Silence
Skissley is already suffering adverse effects from the “outside” world—which is bad enough— but meanwhile, right at home her mother is causing her even greater grief and confusion! read more
by Bonnie Bachman ~ 0-7414-7053-5 ©2012
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating:

4 .
The Skissley Diaries: God is Along
Skissley’s high school joy is short-lived, yet she cannot determine the more sorrowful reason: Mama’s stinging rebuke of her talking about school—or the death of a beloved fellow student! read more
by Bonnie Bachman ~ 0-7414-7644-4 ©2012
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating:

5 .
The Skissley Diaries: Growing A Soul
Skissley has always been wise beyond her years, but a tumultuous 1962 is the catalyst that forces her to grow by quantum leaps and bounds physically, mentally, and spiritually! read more
by Bonnie Bachman ~ 0-7414-8260-6 ©2013
Price: $17.45

  Average Rating:

6 .
The Skissley Diaries: Only Small Things
Skissley consistently soldiers on throughout many adversities. Yet the humble teenager remains oblivious to this—or any other—remarkable trait she possesses! Inexplicably, so, too, do all others around her! read more
by Bonnie Bachman ~ 0-7414-9940-1 ©2014
Price: $15.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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